This site is to communicate with my students and their parents.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First Day -- First Week

It's going to take some time for the dust to settle on our A/B schedule, by September we'll all be in the groove and all of this will just be a memory, so don't despair.

We started the year on a Tuesday so it was B classes. Tomorrow will be the A classes.

World History:
B -- we started the project on China by joining a Clan, choosing a leader and writing our Chinese names then writing them down on an index card in calligraphy. Students then drew the clan animal on the other side of the card, then drew their clan banner on the outside of the clan's manilla envelope, which is all that time would allow.

A -- Your turn tomorrow.

U. S. History:
We will begin a quick review of the period of exploration and colonization.

We will explore why laws are necessary and the different type of legal systems there are in the world.

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